Loan Refinancing Options

Loan refinancing refers to the replacement of an existing debt obligation with a debt obligation under different terms. A loan can be refinanced for various reasons; to take advantage of a better interest rate, to consolidate several loans into one loan, to reduce the monthly repayment amount, to switch from a variable-rate to a fixed-rate loan,…

Before signing a residential lease read carefully.

When a new tenant is in the excitement of the moment, finding the perfect rental property, sometimes tenants tend to be a bit too hasty in signing a residential lease without really reading it. RDS Real Estate highly suggests reading the residential lease as a legal instrument that they will be living with for the…

Exotic rental venue sounds enticing and needed!

Cold winter, too much darkness, not enough sunshine leads to exotic rental venue in my book. How about an island in the pacific? South American shores have charming rental properties with your every sunny dream amenities attached. Great value in rental summer suites can be found in Mexico beaches and other rental venues nearby the…