Breach of Lease

If you’re found to be  in breach of lease your landlord can levy a fine and in some cases will begin an eviction procedure. This will adversely affect your credit and could make it difficult to get a home loan later on. Always take care when leasing to not make life more difficult for yourself later on. CM

Blank Lease Agreement

If you’re interested in securing a building for lease it’s best to study a blank lease agreement and learn a little about renters laws. Doing a little homework beforehand will help you go into the leasing process more confidently. You can find more advice like this by visiting the rest of our website. CM

Tenant Lease

When entering into a tenant lease make sure you’re aware of you’re responsibilities as outlined by the Tenant Landlord Act. Knowing tenant landlord law can help you stay legal and lease with confidence. More advice like this can be found all over our website. Stay in the know with RDS Real Estate! CM

Bankruptcy Foreclosure

Bankruptcy foreclosure is an unfortunate truth in the real estate business but for a first time home buyer it can be a blessing. If you know where to look you can find bank foreclosures for sale at surprising discounts. Make sure to thoroughly check your local listing for these hidden gems. CM

Rights Renters

Before you sign a residential lease agreement make sure the rights of renters are being are being honored. It’s a good idea to look over a sample lease agreement first to get familiar with the language before you proceed. Stay informed and lease with confidence! CM