Having trouble finding private lenders?

Finding private lenders can certainly be like finding the proverbial needle in the haystack. RDS Real Estate has ready access to the private lenders in the DFW area. We pride ourselves in staying up to date with the leading private lenders and want to make those names available to you. I’ve been thinking about the…

Lease Payments Causing You Headaches?

RDS Real Estate has professionals to help take the stress out of your life and help you with lease forms, lease management and tenant landlord laws. We specialize in the lease of commercial properties in Dallas and Fort Worth, but we can help you with any of your leasing needs. Contact us today to discuss…

Is Bad Credit Financing too much of a good thing?

We’ve all been there: something happens at the wrong time, and soon our credit takes a massive hit. For some, it hits worse than others, and the worst part is, it will stick with you for longer than you might think. Bad credit financing, for those hit the worst, can seem like a wonderful thing,…

Garage for Rent Arlington

In a city the size of Arlington, Texas, with over 365,000 people, there is a pretty good chance you can find a garage for rent in Arlington.  Finding a garage for rent is not the problem; finding the perfect garage for rent properties which match your needs IS the problem. We just did a Google…