Buy vs Lease

If you’re trying to decide whether to buy vs lease here’s something to consider. Why pay out all that money during your lease term and have nothing to show for it in the end?. Whereas if you lease to buy you can purchase the same property you’ve put so much time and money in. Doesn’t that just make sense?…

Commercial Mortgage Lenders

Are you ready to approach commercial mortgage lenders about financing? If you don’t understand a little about mortgage finance you may wind up in over your head having to pay outlandish mortgage interest rates. Don’t go in blindly, do your homework so that you can borrow with confidence! CM

Residential Contract

Are you sure you understand your residential agreement? Truth is not all residential lease forms are the same. If you’re n0t paying attention you may be signing up for more than you bargained for. There’s nothing worse than getting stuck in a residential contract with harsh terms and ridiculous rates. CM

Home Mortgages

Home mortgages are a necessary evil for most of us and mortgage finance is not a fun process. Don’t accept outrageous loan rates just to “get it over with” though. Stick to it until you find the terms and rates you can live with for the property you can’t live without. CM