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You have all heard of a studio for rent; perhaps you have even been in one; but do you know the exact dimensions of them? What qualifies as a studio for rent? What are they used for?  Is it something you might consider during these times of tough financial decisions?

We are RDS Real Estate, serving the Greater Fort Worth area with outstanding industrial space and affordable commercial property for rent. Call us at 817-439-3224 for more information.

What is a studio for rent?

Usually, a studio for rent refers to a living space. Studio apartments are single-room units that combine the living area, bedroom, and kitchen into one space. While living in a one-room apartment may sound daunting, studios offer a range of benefits, including affordability, space efficiency, and convenience. However, the studio apartment design also has challenges, such as limited storage and living space.

However, there are also studios for rent for creative activities like an art studio, woodworking studio, music studio, and writing studios.

What are the dimensions?

Answers vary on this question depending upon the city you reside in.  The maximum size we are aware of is 600-square feet; we have heard of them as small as 320-square feet in size.  Obviously, the smaller size equates to a smaller lease payment, which makes them very popular in today’s economically challenged world.

What are they used for and what do they cost?

As mentioned earlier, there is a wide variety of uses for such spaces.  Location is something which should be considered. If the studio is being used for creative activities then it should be in an area where the buying public has access.  Oftentimes, in larger cities, a small shop space is also a walk-up, making it a loft for rent and shop for rent.

What do they cost? It depends on the city. In Fort Worth we can show you a studio for rent for between $1000-$1500 per month, a very low price for a very large city.  In other cities, like Los Angeles, you might be looking at $3000-$5000 per month.

What are the advantages of a studio for rent?  First, obviously, the cost. $1000 per month is affordable for a large percentage of the population. $5000 is not.

There is a sense of intimacy in a studio which you will not find in larger properties like a retail space for lease or a warehouse for rent.

If you like your place clean you will love a studio for rent.  A quick once-over with a broom or vacuum, ten minutes tops, and it is clean.  And did we mention utilities? Utilities are always lower for smaller rental units.

Is a studio for rent for you? There really is only one way to find out. We caution you to give it some serious thought before leaping into the rental agreement. This is a big decision, one which should be considered carefully.

A final word about RDS Real Estate.

RDS Real Estate is locally owned and operated, with over three-million square feet of rental properties for you to consider. Whatever you want, from a warehouse for rent to a loft for rent, from retail space for lease to a garage for rent, we have it. Call us today.