BlogCommercial Propertyrent commercial property for rent

Four simple words . . . retail space for lease . . . and yet there is nothing “simple” when leasing such property. It can, in fact, be a very scary proposition, and a confusing one, for the plain truth is that most business owners, attempting to rent their first retail property for lease, is quite confused about the process.  And that is why this article, a short primer on retail space for rent, will be so handy.

We are RDS Real Estate, leading the way in the Fort Worth Metro area with affordable industrial space and commercial property for rent. Call us at 817-439-3224 for more information and to arrange, with our leasing agent, for a tour.

Now, though, let’s get down to the nitty gritty regarding retail space for lease.

Looking for retail space for lease begins with you.

You might be surprised by the number of business owners who really don’t know exactly what they need.  They have some vague idea/vision of the retail lease space, what they want it to look like, where they think they want it, but the specifics are hazy at best.

The process begins with you setting a budget for what you can afford to pay for rent.  We then move on to a detailed list of the features you need i.e. large display window, 1200 square feet, great walk-up traffic, easy access to I-35W, those sorts of things.  Once you have that list, and once you have a budget, you are ready for the tedious task of looking at properties, tedious only because oftentimes this next step is a bit like looking for a four-leaf clover in a pasture un-mowed for years.

Location, location, and good access.

You cannot guess about the location of your retail shop; you need to know the best areas for that shop, the areas where you have the best chance at solid and continue customer traffic, and that will require some professional input from a real estate broker who knows the area.

People always assume that the downtown area is a great location for a retail shop when, in fact, it depends upon the type of retail store.  People always assume a shopping mall is a great location for any retail store when, in fact, shopping malls are great for some types of retail and terribly bad for other types.

And then let’s talk about the general future of a particular area, and the direction growth is occurring.  In our area of Fort Worth, growth is happening in North Fort Worth and South Fort Worth. The downtown area is rather stagnant with regard to growth.  You will need some idea about the future of your city and where that future is going to be happening.

The fine print quicksand.

It might be time to enlist the help of a real estate lawyer if you do not have a working relationship/experience with contracts.  You will need to know such things like who is responsible for repairs, how long will the rental price remain in effect, the zoning of a particular area, what the utilities generally run, and whether a Certificate of Occupancy is needed.  These, and many more like them, are issues which can make or break your company, so take your time, tip toe through the quicksand, and enlist legal help if needed for retail space for lease transactions.

A final word about RDS Real Estate.

RDS Real Estate is locally owned and operated, leading the way in Fort Worth with over three million square feet of industrial space and commercial property for lease. Call us and tell us what you need.  Chances are excellent we have it at a price you can afford.