BlogCommercial Propertyretail space for lease in North Fort Worth

When an article claims to know the least expensive retail lease space in Fort Worth, and you are looking for retail space for lease, and you have a tight operating budget, well, it’s probably a good idea to read that article.

We are RDS Real Estate, leading the way in Fort Worth Metro, Tarrant County, Parker County, and Johnson County with outstanding industrial space and commercial property for rent. Call us at 817-439-3224 for more information.

What would you expect to pay for retail lease space?

If you are reading this article about retail lease space, you no doubt have already priced properties in Fort Woth and the surrounding areas, so you already know that you can pay anywhere from $3 per square foot, per month, to over $7 per square foot, per month.  If you are looking for something in the 1000-3000 square foot range in size, you are then facing a monthly lease payment of $3000 to $7000 for a 1000-square foot property.

And that is exorbitant, and that could be crippling, and that is, in our opinion, unacceptable. Considering the fact that the trend in 2024 is for small businesses, prices like that could severely hinder a small retail shop owner.

We have a solution!

retail lease space option in North Fort Worth

Welcome to Box Office Warehouse Suites.

Box Office Warehouse Suites is located in the Fort Worth Design District, and we feel safe in saying it is unlike anything you have seen, thus far, in retail lease space property.

The “Box” in Box Office Warehouse Suites refers to the fact that all of these properties are constructed from refurbished, recycled, professionally designed shipping containers, all brightly painted, many sporting outstanding street art/murals.  Because the construction cost is so much lower than post and beam construction, we pass that savings on to you in the form of lower rental payments.

Want a patio with your retail space? We have it. Want a balcony with your retail space? We have it. Want a loft above your retail space? We have it, and we have those things at prices which are pre-COVID low.

Located perfectly for the upcoming growth spurt.

The Fort Worth Design District is located in the Alliance Area of North Fort Worth, the fastest growing industrial and commercial area in all of Tarrant County.  Why so much growth there?  Fort Worth is currently (2024) the second fastest growing large city in the U.S.  Because Fort Worth Metro is saturated, that growth needs to go somewhere, and that somewhere so far has been north, bleeding into the Alliance Area.

And growth will eventually mean higher real estate prices, making this opportunity, small retail space at low price, that much more attractive.  You have the opportunity to grab up prime real estate at the bottom floor price before prices skyrocket in this area . . . and they will skyrocket from now until 2030.

Now is the time, and Box Office Warehouse Suites is the place.

A final word about RDS Real Estate.

RDS Real Estate leads the way in Fort Worth with over three million square feet of affordable industrial property for rent and commercial property for rent. We are locally owned and operated, a respected name in the real estate industry, and we are standing by the phone waiting for you to call.