Securing a Bad Credit Mortgage

Trying to secure a bad credit mortgage for commercial property? Finding bad credit financing for a commercial mortgage can be difficult but don’t give up just yet. Check out the pros at RDS Real Estate for great commercial property and honest advice. CM

Property Appraisal and mortgage approval

When trying to receive approval for a commercial mortgage the lender will usually ask that a property appraisal must be performed. They will then contact a commercial appraiser who will come out to determine the market value of the property. Depending on how the appraisal goes your chances of approval can change dramatically. CM

Commercial Refinance

Unsatisfied with the rates on your commercial mortgage? If so then commercial mortgage refinance may be a perfect option to lower your payments and ease your financial burden every month. Commercial refinance isn’t for everybody, but, it might just be the solution you’ve been looking for. CM