Pay Off Your Loans

It can get tough to pay off loans if your loans interest rates are too high. If you’re in that situation you may consider trying to  refinance your home loans at a lower rate. It may just free up the extra cash you need. CM

Notice of Lease Termination

If, at any time, your property landlord decides to terminate your lease he will serve you with a notice of lease termination. At times like this being well versed in the rights of renters will help you against what may be an illegal eviction. A little knowledge can go a long way to helping you lease with…

Non Payment of Rent is serious business

If you don’t keep up with your lease payment you could end up facing a legal eviction due to non payment of rent? Property eviction isn’t a pleasant process for anyone involved. Your landlord has a legal process to uphold and you have your credit to worry about. Don’t let this happen to you. Take charge of…

No Money Down Home Loans

It is possible to find no money down home loans even for the first time home buyer. Don’t think you even qualify for a home loan? Well, there’s only one way to find out. The results might just surprise you! CM

New Home Loan

Getting a new home loan can be a daunting prospect if you’e new to the process. If time is a factor mortgage brokers are available to work on your behalf or, if you’re just nervous about approaching a major bank, you can usually find private lenders willing to help. If you do a little research…