Lease Application Waiting for You

RDS Real Estate has a lease application just waiting for you for your next lease deal. If you are needing to move into more space we have a Haslet office warehouse, industrial site in Fort Worth, industrial property in Mansfield and office retail in Arlington. With 10 years experience, we are a leader in leasing…

Home Owner Loans

Home owner loans are determined by many factors. Are you a first time home buyer? What do you have to work with in terms of down payment? Are you wanting to purchase a home by owner or do you need a commercial home lender? Do you have any knowledge of insurance underwriting or the different…

Tarrant County Warehouse For Rent

The growth in Tarrant County over the last ten years has been steady, and it continues to grow in spite of the down economy. That’s good news for the small business owner or those looking to start a new business. Or maybe you have a business operating out of your home and it’s time to…

Rental Property and Rental Vacation a Specialty

When you wish to find rental properties then our rental venue is what you want to see. RDS Real Estate rental properties  include rental by owner and rental for summer. We have rental houses for rental vacations. Why not check out our many rental properties with a showing by RDS Real Estate today. Rental bedrooms…