A lease to purchase contract may be right for you

Sometimes it’s not enough to simply lease properties but the cost of buying property upfront is too prohibitive. In this case you should look into a lease to purchase contract? With a lease to purchase you can pay into the property like a lease but with the option to pay off the remainder and buy the property. CM

Interested in mortgage financing?

Interested in mortgage financing? The first step is to work with mortgage services you can trust. Once you’ve found that you need to lock in mortgage interest rates that you can live with. There’s still a lot of steps in the process but having these issues sorted out will give you better peace of mind about everything else.…

Legal eviction has serious consequences.

Non payment of rent is a serious issue and almost always leads to a legal eviction. Property eviction in turn is devastating to your credit and will immediately disqualify you from renting from many property owners. Take care to avoid this situation and keep your finances on track. CM