Foreclosure on Countrywide loans

Sub prime Country Wide home loans had a huge part in causing the recent housing crisis. Home loans from Countrywide were given to borrowers who didn’t have the means to pay them back and thus led to a rash of foreclosures. These foreclosure on Countrywide loans led to the market collapse that we’re still feeling the effects from.…

Interested in a building to lease

Who’s your first choice when you need to find a top notch building to lease?  Well the pros at RDS Real Estate have the best lease deals on some of the best buildings for lease in Dallas/Ft. Worth. Contact RDS today and see what the pros can do for you! CM

The perils of property appraisal

Property appraisal is a major step when you’re trying to qualify for a home loan. The property appraisers may find that the property won’t retain value and this could either stall the process or disqualify you outright. A little homework can help you prepare for these situations and avoid other hassles along the way. CM