BlogCommercial Propertyretail space for lease in North Fort Worth

Searching for retail space for lease is, on the best of days, a stressful undertaking.  Let’s face it, the future success of your business rests upon your real estate decision.  Do you really want to wing it alone in making that decision? Wouldn’t you rather have the assistance of a pro, someone who knows the Fort Worth/Tarrant County landscape like the back of their hand?

RDS Real Estate is that company, locally owned and operated with over three million square feet of industrial space and commercial property for rent.  If what you need exists in the Fort Worth Metro area, we will find it for you.  Call us at 817-439-3224 for more information.

Let’s look at a few great locations for your retail business.

Our first suggestion: stay out of downtown Fort Worth for retail space for lease.

This may seem like a strange suggestion coming from a commercial real estate firm, especially since, in many cities, the downtown corridor is highly desired. And, for sure, downtown Fort Worth is a great place to have a retail shop.  However, the mere fact that it is highly desired means the prices are going to be sky-high, and the last thing a new retail store owner wants is to pay premium prices in an inflated market.

Our suggestion: leave downtown to the big dogs who are established and who can afford the high prices.  You are just starting out, and you need to find retail space for rent in a great location at a reasonable price.

North Fort Worth means the Alliance Area.

Fort Worth is the second-fastest growing major city in the United States, and that growth is aimed to the north and to the south. There is, quite frankly, no available property in the Metro area for new development, so the growth spurts are happening north and south, and will continue to be happening in those directions for years to come.

Our professional recommendation with regards to North Fort Worth is the Fort Worth Design District, perfectly located in the Alliance Area, an area currently booming with new development.  In The District you will find Box Office Warehouse Suites, an area overflowing with funk and charm, with properties starting at 320 square feet in size and renting in the $1000-$1500 range as of 2024.  Our best suggestion: give us a call and arrange for a tour of this great development.  Talk to the current business owners there. We are sure you will fall in love with its uniqueness and find retail space for lease which fits your needs.

South Fort Worth means the Alvarado Area.

If it’s south you want for retail space for lease, but still within a thirty-minute commute to downtown Fort Worth, our suggestion is the Alvarado Area, and in particular 917 Industrial Park, a development specifically designed with small businesses in mind. Properties range from 1200 square feet to26,000 square feet, and because this new business park is outside the city limits, no Certificate of Occupancy is required.  Just move in, open for business, and start saying hello to your customers.

A final word about RDS Real Estate.

Because RDS Real Estate is locally owned and operated, we are the perfect choice to help you find what you need. We are born and bred here in the Fort Worth area. We roamed these streets as teens, we travel these streets as adults, this is our home and we know it well.  Call us, tell us what you need, and then turn us loose to do what we do best.