Searching for an office warehouse for rent in Southlake which perfectly matches your need is a bit like looking for a four-leaf clover on a windy day: you may find one, eventually, but it will be a matter of luck more than skill. We are not trying to be pessimistic with that statement but rather realistic.
All is not lost! Call RDS Real Estate at (817) 439-1344. We can help!
Here is the problem you face with industrial property for rent in Southlake . . .
There isn’t that much of it available. Southlake is a city of only 25,000 people. It is best known for its style of living, its parks, its schools, and its retail establishments. It is a “quality of living” city and not, primarily, an industrial city. Yes, the occasional office warehouse for rent becomes available on the market, but we would not suggest you hold your breath while waiting for that to happen.
So what do we suggest you do?
We suggest you expand your search parameters for an office warehouse for rent!
We suggest you look elsewhere. We suggest you search for an office warehouse for rent Grapevine, or an office warehouse for rent Haltom City. We even suggest you look for an office warehouse for rent Fort Worth.
And, in particular, we suggest unincorporated North Fort Worth in the Alliance Area, the fastest growing commercial and industrial area in Tarrant County.
Let’s say you are a small business owner. You are looking for an office warehouse for rent of about two-thousand square feet in size, about the size of a three-bedroom home. You wait for one to open up in Southlake, but when one does it is five-thousand square feet in size. That’s an extra three-thousand square feet, and you have to pay for every single one of those extra square feet. That is, quite frankly, bad business if you choose to do that.
But at the same time a two-thousand square foot office warehouse becomes available fifteen miles away in the Fort Worth Design District, in the Alliance Area. What do you do? Are you willing to drive the extra fifteen miles to save hundreds in leasing fees each month?
Those are the kinds of options we present to you when we search for industrial property for rent. We do not lock in on one city. We give you options so you can find the very best deal available for your business. To do less would be beneath us as professional real estate agents.
Contact us today! RDS Real Estate, that’s the name to remember, one of the leading industrial and commercial real estate companies in Tarrant County, with over one-million square feet of multi-use industrial properties for lease for you to choose from. If it is in Southlake, and it meets your needs, we will find it. Otherwise, we will find you the absolute best options available.
You have our word on that, and our word is gold in the Tarrant County business world.
Give us a call. Let’s make this happen!