Office space to rent in Southlake is most definitely available, but first you must determine what it is, exactly, you want and need when leasing office space. We can help you. Call RDS Real Estate at (817) 439-3224 and we can walk you through the process of choosing Southlake commercial property for rent.
What do you want in office space to rent?
Let’s do some homework. Do you know what it is you want when leasing office space? Oddly, many of our clients can’t tell us the answer to that question when we meet with them. They give a vague answer like “I want a decent-sized office, a bathroom, and a reception area. While that certainly describes the basics of most office space for lease, it in no way can be considered an in-depth description of wants.
Let’s assume you are already in some office space, whether it be an actual office you rent or a bedroom you have converted into an office at home. How large is it? Is that size adequate? What amenities would you like to add to that existing office? A nice, large window perhaps? Maybe a small display area for advertising or merchandise? And what about location? Do you want an office in an office building, maybe a loft for rent office, or a stand-alone office? Do you want it in downtown Southlake, in the Southlake Town Square, or on the outskirts of the city? These are questions that must be answered before the search begins.
But you also must answer this: what do you need in office space to rent?
There is a difference between want and need when leasing commercial property. How much will your business grow in the next five years? Will you need more room to handle that growth? And you may want an office in downtown Southlake, but do you really need it there, where leasing fees are higher? Perhaps you would be better off elsewhere, someplace with lower lease rates but still adequate traffic flow. Will you need a small storeroom in five years? Will you need an extra office in five years?
We keep mentioning five years because no one in their right mind wants to move again in five years. Businesses gain traffic because of association with a location. Move too often and you lose customers, and losing customers is a one-way journey to bankruptcy. Plan ahead now and avoid regrets later.
We can go over all of this with you if you contact us. RDS Real Estate is the name. We are locally owned and operated, and we deal in quality commercial property for rent in Tarrant County. If it is office space for lease Southlake you want, we will find it for you. If it is office space to rent Grapevine you need, we can find that for you as well, and we will also give you recommendations for other locations, like office space to rent Fort Worth.
Our goal: to match your wants, and needs, to an existing office space to rent.
Call us today! You have nothing to lose by doing so, and quite a bit to gain.