BlogCommercial Propertycommercial office space for lease

You are trying to decide which is better, leasing office space or setting up a home office.  This article will point out the main pros, and cons, of each approach, hopefully providing you with the information you need to make an informed decision.

We are RDS Real Estate, serving the Greater Fort Worth Metro area with affordable industrial space and commercial property for lease. Call us at 817-439-3224 for more information.

The pros of leasing office space.

The first pro of leasing office space is your options when it comes to location.  Setting budget aside for a moment, when you lease commercial property, you really can pick and choose what is right for your company.

Secondly, leasing property means less headaches.  Any ownership comes with headaches. We all know that; do we really want to add another migraine when we don’t have to? Let the property managing company take care of the headaches so you can concentrate on work.

Finally, leasing professional property gives your company a professional look.  Nothing says “hanging by a thread” like working out of your home.

The cons of leasing office space.

There is always a flip side, so let’s look at the cons of leasing office space.

First, the lease payment will be variable.  Sooner or later that rent payment is going to rise, and that means less money that you can spend on your company in a more productive way.

Secondly, you are subject to the whim of your landlord.  This is not a problem if you have a nice landlord who is eager to work with you; it is a huge problem if your landlord couldn’t care less about your problems.

Thirdly, leasing comes with fewer tax deductions than ownership does, a factor which may easily means thousands of dollars come tax time.

The pros of a home office.

A quick list of the pros of having a home office:

  • More independence
  • No commute
  • Possibly more productivity, although this could be argued
  • Increased flexibility
  • Save money
  • More tax deductions for your home office
  • Fewer interruptions from fellow workers
  • More time to spend with family
  • Work when you are most productive
  • Save on work clothes

The cons of working from home.

And a quick list of the cons of working from home:

  • Increased isolation
  • Risk of overworking
  • A possible cheap appearance and reflection of your company
  • Less face time with others
  • Lack of innovation and creativity due to lack of interaction
  • Possible distractions from family and friends who do not respect your office hours
  • A tendency to lose productivity because of a lack of accountability to others
  • A tendency to become slovenly
  • You must motivate yourself to work hard

We have tried to present a non-biased look at working from home vs leasing an office space for lease. Obviously, each situation is different. Not everyone can handle working from home, but there are some who thrive in that environment.  Bottom line, you need to know yourself and what type of worker you are.

A final word about RDS Real Estate.

With over three million square feet of industrial property for rent and commercial property, RDS has you covered in Tarrant, Parker, and Johnson Counties.  Call us and ask us about availability in the Fort Worth Design District, in the Alliance Area, and the 917 Industrial Park in Alvarado.