BlogCommercial Propertycommercial property lease

How can commercial property for lease grow?  No, this is not a riddle, not some play on words; we will tell you exactly how it can happen, and what you should look for when searching for affordable and available commercial property for rent.  We are RDS Real Estate, serving the Greater Fort Worth area with affordable industrial space and commercial property for lease. Call us at 817-439-3224 for more information.

Now, let’s talk about the growth of your business and solutions to your space problems.

Commercial property for lease for now.

You might be surprised by how many commercial business owners, those looking for affordable and desirable retail space for lease, or office space for lease, go into the search with rather limited vision.  They have their projected sales figures, they have their space needs projected, and they rent according to those projections.

And, the property which seems absolutely perfect for those projections, is perfect for a while, until the company exceeds projections, and then a major problem arises.  They need more space for their ever-expanding business.


Rent Commercial property for the future.

Which means renting commercial property based on the growth of the business, which is very easy to say but not so easy to do.  Commercial property rents by the square foot; ergo, the larger the property the more your rent payment will be, which means paying monthly for space you will not use until your sales increase.

This may not seem like that big of an issue if your company name is Walmart, but if you are the owner of a small retail business, it can mean the difference of a few hundred dollars per month, which may mean the difference between earning a profit or accumulating a deficit.

So, what is the solution to this very common problem?

You can, of course, rent for the now and then move to a larger property in the future, when your business grows, but that means doing the property search all over again, negotiating a lease agreement all over again, and causing harm to your retail sales by moving and thus confusing and/or losing customers.

There must be a better way.

The solution is in the design.

There is a better way and we have that way, on display, at Box Office Warehouse Suites in the Fort Worth Design District. There, all properties for lease are redesigned shipping containers, each 320 square feet in size, each capable of attaching to other shipping containers.  In other words, when your business grows, you simply attach another container to the existing one, doubling your retail or office space.

No more property searches, no more negotiating leases, and no more moving and confusing customers.

The solution is in the design!

Is there such a place in your city?  Do a Google search for shipping container rentals. It can’t hurt to try and it just might solve this very common problem faced by many business owners.

A final word about RDS Real Estate.

RDS Real Estate is locally owned and operated with over three million square feet of industrial property for lease and commercial property for rent. Call us today and we will work with you to find the perfect property for your needs and budget.