The first step is to find realtor.

It can be tough being a first time home buyer. First you have to find a realtor you like, not to mention the hassle of securing a first time home buyers loan. Take a breath and relax though. With a little research and a lot of persistence you’ll get through it and find the home of your dreams. CM

First Time Home Buyers Loan

Being a first time home buyer can be stressful. After you find a realtor you trust you have to secure financing and getting a first time home buyers loan presents its own set of issues. Don’t let that deter you though. A little patience will get you through the rough parts and help you get the…

Current Mortgage Rates

Are you aware of current mortgage rates? It’s important to know what the market looks like before you step into it. This is especially true for a first time home buyer. Before you make a move, before you even find a realtor, we encourage you to do some research first. A little knowledge can make…

Find a Realtor

It’s fairly simple to find a realtor who can lead you to several worthy properties. It’s another altogether to get someone to finance a home loan so you can move forward and buy one. Financing loans can get tricky even with better than average credit. In times like these a little patience can go a…